Inputting material data

Hi- Trying out the free trial software for the first time following the bootcamp and have a few queries:

  1. don’t seem to have many UK manufacturers products when searching?
    2)doesn’t seem to find EPD materials when using reference. Have tries full and “shortened” versions e.g. RTS_180_22 (as used in bootcamp session) and EPD-BAU-20220193-IBC1-EN as found online for Bauder Ltd roof membrane system.
  2. can’t add the building services data input option to a design already started?

Thanks in advance

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Hi Bunmi,

thank you for your post and welcome to our community!

The reason for both of these problems seems to be that you are working with the OCL planetary license. As a license free to use for everyone, it has some restrictions compared to our commercial offers. See below a comparison between one of my projects and one of yours.

In my project I have the option to add a section for building technology, which is not available with planetary projects:

If you are interested in our commercial offers, you can reach out to one of our LCA experts to learn more.

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Hi Bernadette - thanks for the reply.
I thought that would be the case.
I am speaking to the sales team this afternoon about acquiring a company license.
