Adding materila

Hi All I am new to LCA and don’t seem to have the full add material interface
this is my screen any advice ? thanks

Hi Ursula and welcome to the One Click LCA Community!

If you mean the search interface, you can access this by clicking on ‘add resource’ in the top right, which allows you to search through all the data available to you in this tool.

If your question is related to the other input pages (e.g. energy and water), you can select those by clicking on them on the left.

If your question is related to the availability of data, there is a difference between the materials compass and our calculation tools. Calculation tools, like Level(s) +a1 which you are using, have data restrictions. This means you cannot find all data in a single tool but rather all the data that the calculation method, certification or regulation allows you to use.

This ensures you do not accidentally add data to your assessments that would not generate compliant results for your calculation.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

Hi Steven,
That was so helpful !!
I’m all sorted!
Have a great day

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