Private Constructions

Hi, I have created around 120 private constructions within our license to speed up the whole material input.
is there a way to get them organized within the tab - created subfolders for individual areas like walls, doors etc.
it is getting quite hard to find anything when looking to amend particular construction. many thanks

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Hi Jana,

thank you for your post.

The private constructions in the company account are organized based on their names. This is the sorting logic:

  1. Names beginning with numbers show up first (starting with 0)
  2. Names beginning with capital letters as opposed to lowercase letters are ranked higher

Example: The groups “Levels external wall”, “01 external wall” and “external wall” will be sorted followingly:

  1. 01 external wall
  2. Levels external wall
  3. external wall

Improving this is already on the to-do list of our Product Management Team. If you want, I can email you if there are updates to this.

For now, I’d advise using a numbering system e.g. group names starting with 100-199 for foundation constructions, 200-299 for external walls.

Also, if you know for which project the construction should be amended, you can edit the construction in the project itself via the “Create a variant and replace”-function in the “change”-menu of the group. The benefit of this is that you will directly see the carbon impact of the change(s) you made. Additionally, please note, that the previous version of that construction will be used in all the other projects. Similarly, if you duplicate and edit the construction in the company account - you will have to tell the software where you want to use the new version.

I hope this helps to answer your question. Please let me know if you would like to be informed about any updates to this.