I’m trialling the software & working in archicad. I’m wondering how I should be modelling walls to take account of timber framing & insulation - I tried modelling the wall as one element & then splitting the material in 1-Click to represent percentage of timber & insulation but I get a warning about the thickness of the material being unusual. I’m also wondering how to model roofs to take into account timber trusses & insulation? Usually we model the roof only as upper plane buildup (upper chord of truss, purlin, roofing) but this doesn’t take into account bottom chord or web.
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The plugin exports elements that are modeled as 3D elements. If not modeled, you can add them manually to the design. Please find below some guidance:
The best practice is to model items you wish to include in the bill of materials exported to One Click LCA platform from Archicad.
However if the above is not a suitable workflow, you can also manually add additional materials and their quantities: after importing the bill of material to OCLCA platform, you can add extra material by going to the Input data → Building materials.
Once additional materials are added you can group them and save a private construction (for example, a wall or roof structure). You can then use the private constructions already set up for other designs with no need to go through the process again.
Please see the link to our Help Centre on how to create private constructions: https://oneclicklca.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015243719-Private-Constructions.