Hi There. First post here. Does anyone have any experience with modelling biofuels in OCL EPD Tool? The fuel is used to power some plant machinery. Specifically the fuel is HVO. At this point the feedstocks for the fuel are unknown. Is there a datapoint from ecoinvent you could recommend?
Hi Sam! Welcome to the One Click LCA Community
If this is for biofuels in your production processes or transportation, you can also access the Excel calculator tools we have available
Unfortunately, I am not an expert on modelling biofuels so I have asked one of my colleagues who does to get back to you to ensure you get the right answer.
Hello Sam, yes, you can use the calculator provided by @Steven . Alternatively, you can model from first principles in which case you require a comprehensive inventory of inputs and outputs at each stage of the HVO production chain, including:
Feedstock cultivation: fertilizers, pesticides, water,
Feedstock processing: energy used for converting feedstock into oil.
Transport: Emissions from transporting feedstock to the factory and final use
Hydrotreatment process: Inputs (hydrogen, energy) for converting vegetable oil into HVO…
By-products: propane, water, CO2
Many thanks- very helpful!