Thanks for taking our survey! Here's how to get your reward!

Hey everyone,

Steven from the One Click LCA team here! :wave:

I’m reaching out to express our sincere gratitude to the nearly one thousand users who took the time to fill out our annual customer survey. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us, and we’re excited to share that all rewards have been processed! :tada: (those who chose EPD hub credits will be contacted)

We want you to know that we carefully review every single response. Your insights are crucial in shaping our development plans for the year ahead.

We read all your feedback, which helps us prioritize the current year’s development cycles.

How do you get the most out of your rewards?

This year, we offered two great options to choose from:

  • Materials Compass (plus the brand-new Power User Pack!): A fantastic resource for both AEC and MFG professionals.

  • EPD Hub Credits: A great way to enhance your EPD creation process, only offered during the first week of the survey.

Need more info to choose the best reward for you? Check out these links:

We’ll be adding several exciting AI features to both the Power User Packs during the first quarter of this year. Stay tuned! :wink:

Small FAQ

  • Q: What if I chose a reward that doesn’t work with my license?
    • A: No worries! We automatically gave you the closest alternative.
  • Q: What if I don’t have a license yet?
    • A: If you’re in the process of getting one, we’ll happily add your reward. Just let us know before the end of January.
  • Q: I didn’t choose a reward yet!
    • A: No problem! Just leave a comment on this post, and we’ll find your survey response and get you sorted.
  • Q: I think I got the wrong reward!
    • A: Oops! That’s not supposed to happen. Just leave a comment on this post or contact us directly, and we’ll make sure you get the reward you chose.

Hello, I think I got the wrong reward I am ore into the EPD Hub Credits.
Appreciate your support in this and thank you

Hi Shirley,

Thanks for reaching out! We’ve automatically added EPD Hub credits to all clients with an EPD tool on their license, as the credits are primarily used for publishing EPDs. I couldn’t find a license associated with your email address, so I wasn’t able to add the credits for you.

Could you please send me a message here with the license number or the name of the organization the credits should be linked to? I’m happy to help get this sorted for you!