B1-B3 info missing from results

Stages B1-B3 information are missing from results though I have input energy (from TM54) and water consumption figures?

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Hi Bunmi,

thank you for your question. Energy consumption inputs affect module B6 (operational energy use), while water consumption is represented in module B7 (operational water use; see here). For B1-B3, other information is required:

  • B1: Use or application of the installed product (e.g. refrigerant leakage)
  • B2: Maintenance
  • B3: Repair

Not all schemes include these modules, but for example, in our GLA/RICS+A2 tool, you can input the required information in the following queries:

  • B1: Emissions and removals
  • B2: Maintenance, annual
  • B3: Maintenance, annual

I hope this helps clarify your question. If you have any more queries, please let us know.