Sorry to bother you all the time, but do you know how should I act in One Click LCA with the following thing:
I am creating an EPD to a one kind refrigeration unit. There is plenty of different kind of plastics, steel, copper and different kind of “machines” in it. Now I am wondering how to deal with end of life scenarios. Or more like how to spilt those to C3 and C4.
Hello Elisa and thank you for your question. The requirements for including the End-of-life (EOL) stage are defined in the Product Category Rules (PCR) which your EPD follows. But generally, each different part will be treated as per its category, so this will differ, for example Plastics will be treated differently from copper. In this case have all the items listed e.g., Plastic from product waste (with its EOL process), Copper waste treatment (its EOL processes) etc.
How Do I Model The End-of-Life Stage For My Product? – One Click LCA Help Centre ( This link should give you more guidance.
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