The Role of Lifecycle Assessment in the Indian Construction Industry

:earth_africa: Globally, the built environment is responsible for over 50% of annual carbon emissions, which stem from both embodied and operational sources.

The Third Biennial Update report, submitted by India to the UNFCC mentions real estate and construction sector account for 32% of the national GHG emissions, considering both embodied (40%) and operational carbon (60%).

India’s buildings sector emits nearly 500 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO₂e) in embodied carbon annually and by 2050 the building stock is expected to double (RMI India, Gateway to India’s Dymaxion) which will lock in upfront carbon from the use intensive construction materials.

Join our industry expert session by Kanchan from VK:e Environmental, an environmental architect with 15 years of experience in sustainable construction, focusing on increasing drive for embodied carbon and LCA in India to make informed decisions and support the transition to a low carbon economy. :leaves::shamrock:

:date: Wednesday, March 6th, 2024
:clock3: 16:00 PM (IST) / 12:30 PM (EET)

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