Did you know that EPD requirements vary by country?
When looking to generate a third-party verified EN 15804 +A2 / ISO 21930-compliant EPD there are many details manufacturers need to keep to mind, including:
Standards: All European markets and many other markets accept EPDs created with EN 15804+A2; they often also accept EPDs created with the ISO 21930. US and Canada pursue ISO 21930 for domestic EPDs, and in some cases also just apply ISO 14040/44, which is the underlying standard for both the EN and ISO EPD standards.
Upstream database: Most markets accept EPDs created using an upstream database, but exceptions apply. Some limited cases specify which inventory data can be used.
Verification: All markets require compliance with ISO 14025 for independent verification of EPDs. However, in some markets this is interpreted more loosely as a tool verification.
Publishing: Most markets accept EPDs from any EPD program operator, but exceptions apply.
Language: Most markets accept EPDs in English or the regional language, but exceptions apply.
If you need to know more about country-specific EPD regulations this guide on Global EPD requirements by country, features a detailed table that summarizes the main requirements that you can expect to face in different markets.